Sunday, March 17, 2013

Widow's Peak

For years I was ashamed of my widow’s peak; you know; that hair that some people have that grows down the middle of their forehead; about a quarter of an inch or so.  Some people call it an Eddie Munster; after the little boy on the television show “The Munsters”.  Every time I got a retouched relaxer I would instruct my beautician to shave it off.  When I decided to grow my natural hair I decided that also meant growing out my peak; accepting it as a part of me.  A few months ago I was having dinner out with a few of my girlfriends, and one of them said … “when we were in high school I used to wonder what that was on your forehead.”  Back in the day I would have went home and shaved my peak off, but call it self love or wisdom from age; it didn’t bother me one bit.  Celebrities Garcelle Beauvais (Fancy from the Jaime Foxx Show), Terrance Howard, both Vanessa Williams’ and Denzel Washington also have widows peaks.  As you can see I’m in good company J 

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